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Release of health documents for foreign citizens, EU and non-EU citizens

The Institute provides the entitled persons with the codes STP (Foreigner Temporarily Present) and ENI (European Person not Registered with the National Health Service). 

Code STP (Foreigner Temporarily Present)
The NIHMP issues codes STP to non-EU citizens, regardless of their current address and after having signed a “declaration of indigence” according to an established form. When issued, some information are recorded, such as: full name, sex, date of birth, nationality, address, code STP and date of issue. When it would not be possible to show identity card it will be necessary to give a statement of personal details. Information on foreigners temporarily present are confidential, as required by current legislation on protection of personal data. Health care services are provided free of charge for the applicant, except for the payment of the co-pay fee (ticket),  with the exception of exemptions for certain pathologies on equal terms with the Italian citizen.
The code STP is valid on the whole Italian territory.

Code ENI (European Person not Registered with the National Health Service)
The NIHMP issues codes ENI to EU citizens living in socially fragile and in poverty condition, not resident in Italy, without insurance coverage and not registered with the National Health Service, to ensure them access to health services. Health care services are provided free of charge for the applicant, except for the payment of the co-pay fee (ticket),  with the exception of exemptions for certain pathologies on equal terms with the Italian citizen.
The code ENI is valid at regional level.

The codes STP and ENI are valid for six months and are renewable, if the same conditions for the release still persist. These codes are used for:

  • hospitals admissions;
  • prescriptions of medical treatment by using the regional prescription form;
  • prescriptions of medicines by using the regional prescription form;
  • recording of the care provided;
  • expenses accounting for reimbursement.