About Us
The National Institute for Health, Migration and Poverty (NIHMP) is a juridical body, under the Ministry of Health, which provides health care assistance, research and training. NIHMP’s mission is to develop innovative systems
and patterns with the aim to fight inequalities within the ambit of the Italian health care, to facilitate access to the National Health Service (SSN) for disadvantaged groups of population and to ensure high quality services to Italian and foreign citizens.
In particular, the Institute provides health care services to specific populations (the poor and disadvantaged groups, regularly and irregularly staying foreigners, victims of violence and trade, international protection applicants), by
implementing its holistic social-health care system with a transcultural approach. Services are provided both daily at health care centres, and within the ambit of specific projects also with international cooperation.
NIHMP is a National Centre for transcultural mediation in the health care sector, as well as a National Network for social-health care issues related to migrants and poverty. It works in synergy with Regions and the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano in defining national public policies aimed at answering the emerging health care needs, fighting inequalities, and containing costs at the SSN’s expense.